Tony Wilson
BSc MSc Grad Dip Phys MCSP MSOM DipInjTher

Contact Us
To make an enquiry or book an appointment, please contact the clinic on 01243 532356.
Alternatively, e-mail us at
For medical professionals our fax number is 01243 813474.
We are recognised by all major insurance companies and, in most situations, will settle claims directly with them.
Mr Tony Wilson
The Medical Centre
Cawley Road
West Sussex
PO19 1XT
By Car
From the east or west: Follow A27 (This is the main South Coast road) to Chichester . Continue until the Stockbridge Roundabout. Turn towards Chichester on A286, Stockbridge Road. Follow road across railway crossing; here the road becomes Southgate. Stay on road as it bears round to right, taking the left hand lane, Market Avenue. After approximately 60m, turn right in to Cawley Road. After about 100m, as the road bends round to the right, you will see 'The Medical Centre' on your left.
By Train/Bus
Chichester Railway Station and Bus Station are both five minutes walk from The Medical Centre. The railway station is situated in Southgate and the bus station in Basin Road (see map below).
By Air
Southampton International Airport - 30 miles
Gatwick International Airport - 60 miles