Tony Wilson
BSc MSc Grad Dip Phys MCSP MSOM DipInjTher

In addition to his clinical responsibilities, Tony Wilson maintains his position as lecturer/researcher at Southampton University in the Department of Health Sciences. Southampton University is a member of the Russell Group of universities and its physiotherapy degree is ranked third in the country in the Times 2024 University Guide.
His particular teaching and research interests include the use of injections in musculoskeletal medicine, anterior knee pain (patellofemoral pain syndrome) and shoulder pain. He is an internationally known researcher and is widely published in the academic press. He has also written a book on skiing injuries. He was a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy's Medicines Management Advisory Group, the influential body responsible for gaining independent prescription rights for physiotherapists, still an internationally unique achievement (the group has now been disbanded having achieved its primary goal). He has also co-authored the national guidelines for the use of injections. He is a peer reviewer of articles for several journals, including 'Physiotherapy', assessor of applications for research funding for various bodies and is a well-known speaker on the academic circuit.
He runs a limited number of courses each year on advanced musculoskeletal injections. The course concentrates on a scientific and evidence-based approach, away from the fads and fashions that have dominated this particular area of practice for many years.
For further information on the course, please see below.